In an effort to be a little more intentional about praying for Harper, Adam and I have decided to choose a biblical characteristic or trait that we hope Harper will embody. We are going to pick a new one each week and pray the verses that go along with that trait. This week we decided to choose PURITY. Pray along with us if you will.
After watching a few shows on t.v. this week I was so saddend by the culture and world that we live in. The way that children are sexually abused, neglected, mistreated and preyed upon makes me so angry and terrified for our children to grow up. I was struck by this verse, To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe nothing is pure, in fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted . They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. Titius 1:15-16. This is the world we live in an imperfect world for sure.
It is so frustrating because when I look into the face of any newborn baby. I feel like I can see the face of God, so pure and innocent, unaffected by society, evil, our culture. They were freshly created by a perfect God. Then they enter the world and and are at the hand's of imperfect people. These imperfect people (I being one of them) try to mold and shape the child into who they think they should be often without asking God (their creator) for his help. This is where we go wrong.
It is so crazy to think that our children will grow up in an even different culture than we did. They will have access to cell phones, computers, text messaging, social networking sites, etc. These are things I did not have access to until college. Seriously I did not have a cell phone until I went to college.
I know that when I fear anything the best way to respond is to stop and pray.
As I was looking up Scripture to pray for Harper I was reminded and convicted that none of us are pure or without sin (except for God) and thanked God for his provision through his son Jesus Christ on the cross. Thank God that he cleanses me of all my unrighteousness.
My favorite verse seemed to sum it up.
Deut 31:19
I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice and hold fast to him.
I loved this verse because it reminded me that both Harper and I face choices each day. Will we make choices that bring us LIFE or choices that cause death. My prayer for our family is that we would choose LIFE. I pray that for her purity in body, mind, heart, and action. I pray that she would evaluate each decision asking herself is there LIFE there? If there is any question in her mind that there is not then I pray that she would make the right decision. I pray that God would create in her a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within her (Psalm 5:10) when the world creeps in and trys to decieve her.
God, help us to think about and invest in things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
Thank you for the gift of a precious daughter. I pray that you would help Adam and I to care and steward her well.
Ragged Ann
19 hours ago
1 comment:
I will pray this with you. BTW: You do not have my blog on your list which now means it needs to be first on your list!
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