We are approaching Harper's first birthday. It is hard to believe that our little baby is now blossoming into a toddler and will one day become a beautiful women. The last month has been so much fun and full of many changes. God has been so good to us and we are so thankful that Harper is a happy and healthy girl.
A few fun memories from this month include:
* Her pouty lip face (she pushes her lip out like she is kissing)
* Her sweet laugh when Adam tickles her feet
* She loves playing all kinds of games like peek a boo (she covers her hands with her face), where's mommy (she pulls the blanket off me) and find the toy
* She started using the sign language that we have taught her over the last 11 months, she does more, bye bye, thank you, and all done. This feels so rewarding to me as I thought she would never sign. She also pats her sweet little heart because we say Harper Jesus wants to come into your heart one day, and we tell her we want her to have a happy heart.
*She loves to flirt with strangers and tries to get attention from anyone who will give it to her. She is a ham for sure.
* She is starting to talk and can say, "bye bye, hi, daddy, mommy, ball, bottle, bible, kit kit (kitty) and doggie)
*She pats you on the back when you are holding her. It is so sweet. She loves to give hugs and kisses.
*She loves her little blanket that G-G gave her and doesn't like to sleep without it.
* She has tried ice cream this month and loved it and will eat most anything we put in her mouth including: salmon, chicken, black beans, blueberries (her favorite)
* She loves to dance and does a mean body roll. It is so funny.
*She is pulling up on everything and loves to crawl and explore. She is doing really well with her boundaries.
*She loves to swim and kicks her legs in the water
* She spent her first full week with her Grammy and Grandpa Mike while Adam and I went to Denver for vacation.
*She has been doing a little bit of baby modeling for Haute Baby. Pictures to come...
* She sleeps great and always seems to wake up very happy and full of energy
So many changes, so much fun.